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Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Do you treat a Caucasian diner the same way you would a Japanese? How do you get Thais to patronize your Tom Yum soup? Here are some tips for dealing with customers of different cultures:

CAUCASIANS: are wise spenders, always hungry for good food and unique dining experiences. Europeans and Americans tend to be very particular about wine lists, so attract them with extensive offerings.

INDIANS: spend less, so they respond well to value-for-money offerings. Throwing in freebies is the way to go.

JAPANESE: spend more and are more daring with their choices. They are very particular about the freshness of their ingredients.

THAI: like having chefs from their country. When you are able to prepare their food with utmost authenticity, they appreciate it.

PINOYS: are average spenders. They won’t binge like there’s no tomorrow, but they try stuff they find interesting. They usually ask their server for recommendations, so make sure your staff is well-versed on your menu. 

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