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Friday, June 26, 2009

Masigasig Magazine: A Free Mag for Entrepreneurs

Globe has been very intuitive in its rage to help businesses especially to the Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Thus borne its essential division dedicated to give services to all businesses. With its commitment to aid and further SMEs Globe Business played a great role in the establishment of many SMEs and made it big in the industry. And one of the manifestation of such commitment is the Masigasig Magazine. Masigasig is a monthly special publication produced by Globe for SMEs. Masigasig means determined, persistent or motivated, with strong sense of direction in terms of goals to be achieved as defined by Globe. It is a very ministrant mag that gives practical yet profitable tips, fresh and brisk business ideas and savvy features among others. One of its best portion is the featuring of entrepreneurs from SMEs to inspire people in the industry and to entice those who are yet to taste the pie of entrepreneurship.

Since I've known of this magazine, I always make it a point to drop off at Globe Business Centers where I can get a free copy of it every month. Masigasig comes also as a complement when you buy an Entrepreneur Philippines mag. And I've posted some articles from the magazine into this blog to share it to other people who are searching for those practical industry tips from the experts of Masigasig. Not to mention its hip cover features and chic look inside, it is also a very informative mag for a business savvy and aspiring entrepreneur. (Photo Courtesy: http://mb.com.ph)

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Jobs Philippines said...

I've read many issues of Masigasig and I can say it's a comprehensive guide to business. There are also a lot of inspiring stories of successful stories. Best of all..it's free!

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