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Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Globe I-Café Kit

As with any business, setting up an Internet café—and s u s t a i n i n g i t—c a n b e daunting. Which is why this business-in-a-box solution is no doubt a welcome solution to start-up entrepreneurs.

T h i s a l l - i n - o n e p a c k a g e eliminates the following problems commonly encountered by those who want to set up their own Internet café, and even those who want to improve their existing business.

  1.“There are too many technical requirements.”Admittedly, there are many technical requirements to consider in order to maximize the profit potential of your business: the ideal PC, software, and the right Internet connection. Solve all that in one go with the Globe I-café kit—it includes personal computers, genuine Microsoft Operating System (so you don’t have to worry about pirated versions), and fast and reliable Internet connection of up to 5 Mbps.

2.“How can my business compete when there are five other Internet cafes on the same street? Getting your business noticed can be challenging. You will need signages and posters to make your business and brand stand out. Luckily, if you happen to be a Globe I-café kit subscriber, you will also receive a dress-up program, consisting of an attractive lighted outdoor signage, colorful posters, and other peripherals that will help market your business. 

3.“My existing Internet café isn’t picking up. What could I be doing wrong?” Several factors may be pinpointed as the cause. Is your Internet connection fast and reliable? Are you using the right hardware and software? Chances are, it’s a combination of different things. Conduct an evaluation of your business system to get a definitive diagnosis so as to find the right solution.

  4.“It’s such a hassle to canvass prices from different dealers.” This unnecessary step is eliminated by this no-nonsense package from Globe. Since you get everything you need (hardware, software, broadband) in one go, you don’t have to negotiate with separate dealers for computers, Internet connection, and so on. An Account Manager from Globe is on hand to assist you.

  5.“I want to franchise but I don’t have that much capital. I also don’t want to get victimized by hidden fees and charges.” With Globe I-café, you can start your own business with as low as 100,000 for the hardware. The monthly recurring cost for broadband can be as low as 1,295. Best of all, there are no hidden charges and no franchise fee.

  6.“I’m not really Internet-savvy.” You can rest easy once you avail of the Globe I-café kit—it’s easy to understand and easy to set up, and since you’re dealing with a reputable company, you can be assured that you are getting the best specs at the best rate. You can even call the Globe hotline at (632) 730-1288 if you have any concerns. 


To avail of the Globe I-café kit, simply submit the following requirements:

1. Proof of identification

2. Proof of billing address

3. Proof of income

4. Business permit

You can choose from two types of personal computers: the Internet Surfing and Gaming Model, which is designed for simple surfing and gaming; or the Mega Gaming Model, which is designed for heavy gaming because of its Dual Core processor and bigger LCD screen.



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